quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

"Mini Goat Dictionary" - ("Minidicionário Bodês")

''Goatese'' a backlands language: a primer

Publicado pela Agência Brasil

20/07/2003 - 11h41

Cabaceiras (PB), 7/22/2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - In the sertão, the goat is a constant presence not only in people's lives, but also in the local language. In her "Mini Goat Dictionary" ("Minidicionário Bodês") Geneceuda Monteiro revealed the extent of backlands goat-talk. It runs the gamut from adjectives to metaphors, nouns to figurative speech. It is a vocabulary with as much flavor and taste as goat ribs - a local delicacy. Here is a sample (literal translations - when possible - are in parenthesis):

acabrunhado - adj. sad, discouraged
bafo-de-bode - noun. (goat's breath) - bad breath, a drunk's breath
barba-de-bode - noun. (goat's beard) - a thin, scraggly beard
bé- onomatopeia, the sound of a goat's baying
berrego - noun. (bay) sound a goat makes; loud, continuous screaming
boca-de-bode - adj.(goat's mouth) a well-formed mouth with upper and lower teeth in line .
bode - noun. male goat
Bode Rei¹ - noun. a goat elected king during traditional celebrations in Cabaceiras
bodeado - adj. get one's goat, irritated
bode desajeitado - adj. (awkward goat) a clumsy, awkward man
bode-expiatório - noun. scapegoat
bode-fuleira - adj. (worthless goat) a sloppy, inelegant man
bodejar - v. slang. stutter
bodejar - v. slang. say lewd things to pretty girls
bodejo - noun. slang. a sound used to attract female goats
bode-malamanhado - adj. (bad looking goat) a man who is sloven, carelessly dressed
bode-môco - adj. slang. (young goat) a person who does not pay attention, doesn't listen
bode velho - noun. slang. an old man who chases women, a young bachelor
cabra besta - adj. slang. (goat beast) a vain, conceited, arrogant person
cabra bom - adj. slang. (good goat) a decent citizen
cabra da peste - adj. slang. (goat of the pest) courageous, valiant, willing to do things
cabra desenrolado - adj. slang. (unrolled goat) not uptight, extroverted, knows how to do things
cabra fresco 2 - adj. slang. (fresh goat) gay, homosexual
cabra leso - adj. slang. (foolish goat) dumb, indifferent
cabra macho - adj. slang. courageous, valiant, strong
cabra-mijão - noun. (goat that urinates) bed-wetter or, in the backlands, hammock-wetter
cabra-onça - noun. slang. (wildcat goat) very valiant
cabra-seco - noun. slang. (dry goat) very valiant, strong, fearless
cabreiro² - adj. suspicious
cabrita - noun. (little female goat) very young girl
cabritismo - noun. (state of being a goat) bothered, sensual, lustful
cabroeira - noun. (herd of goats) bad, ugly goats; bandits
cabrotar - v. (to do as a goat) fail, break a promise, go back on one's word
frei-bode - noun. (monk goat) protestant
Mec-bode - noun. (Mac-Goat) a goat sandwich; very popular in Cabaceiras (PB)
pé-de-cabra - noun (goat foot) crowbar
pinga-bode - noun. (goat tequila) alcoholic drink of fermented sugarcane and goat milk
Xixi-de-cabra - noun. (goat pee) a fine liquor that does not cause bafo-de-bode

Slang expressions:

Amarrar o bode - (tie up the goat) be in a bad mood
Deu certo que só boca de bode! - (worked out like a goat's mouth) successful
Dormir com as cabras - (sleep with goats) smell horribly, stink
Fazer bode - (do the goat) be mysterious, secretive, hide one's intentions
Não vou segurar cabra pra bode mamar! - (I will not hold the female while the male suckles) refuse
to make things easy for someone else, especially someone who is shifty, untrustworthy
Prendam suas cabritas que meu bode está solto! - (tie up your female goats because my
macho goat is loose) fathers say this when kids start going out
Vou capar o bode! - (I'll castrate the goat) do what Heloisa's uncle did to Abelard
Zé Bodão - (Joe the Big Goat) messy, inelegant.

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